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Dr. Lamek Ronoh

Dean, School of Infocoms

Welcome Message: Embrace the Knowledge Economy and Networked Society

Welcome to our website, where we delve into the intricacies of our knowledge economy and networked society. In this ever-evolving landscape, communication systems vie for attention, our identities face threats, and our understanding of crucial political, social, and cultural events is constantly challenged.

In light of these dynamics, it becomes crucial to pose fundamental questions about the transformative power of technology. It serves as the interface connecting various technological domains through a shared digital language. This language enables the generation, storage, retrieval, processing, and transmission of information. As we navigate the global economy of today, we witness new modes of information flow and cultural communication.

Our institution offers courses that cater to the talents and skills needed in this emerging network society. We focus on electronic-based information technologies that utilize digital language for global communication, as well as in commercial, scientific, and civil applications. Our goal is to equip individuals with the necessary training to meet the demands of information technologies in research, offices, industrial plants, and services.

By joining our programs, you’ll gain the expertise needed to thrive in this digitally connected world. We aim to empower our students to become proficient in utilizing information technologies effectively. Our curriculum is designed to align with the rapid advancements in the field, ensuring that you stay ahead of the curve.

Prepare yourself to be part of the transformative wave in research, offices, industries, and services. Embrace the impact of information technologies and embark on a journey of growth and opportunity. Enroll in our programs today and become a valuable contributor to the networked society of tomorrow.

Undergraduate Studies


Postgraduate-MASTERS Studies

Postgraduate-Doctorate studies

Current News & Events

Rongo University Postgraduate Student Wins Youth STEM Matters Prize

A post graduate student in the School of Information, Communication and Media Studies has been selected as one of the two overall Youth STEM matters prize draw winners. over 10,000 youths globally participated in the competitions. Mr Cosmas Knowen, took part in a highly competitive Youth STEM Matters Research Conference for the finals with his project “Use of Machine Learning algorithms (ML) to detect and regulate the amount of carbon emissions in the environment”. He was awarded a grand prize of £1, 200 from the conference partner (University of Aberdeen), a Print Edition of Volume 1 journal of young people’s research, ideas and innovations which tackle world’s biggest challenges. He was also granted executive membership into the global youths’ innovation network.

At Rongo University’s School of Information, Communication, and Media Studies, we are committed to nurturing talented individuals like you and preparing them for successful careers in media and communication. Don’t miss this opportunity to shape your future. Apply now and unlock a world of possibilities.

Media and Journalism student wins MCK Award, 2023.

Rodgers Otiso, a student in the Department of Communication, Media and Journalism has won a Special Award from the Media Council of Kenya. This is the second time students in the department bugs this competitive award after Arnold Adidi won the same in 2021.

Alumni of Rongo University, Lydia Rosasi elected as the youngest council member of PRSK.

Lydia Rosasi has been elected as the youngest member of council of the Public Relations Society of Kenya, on 16th June 2023. She was a student at Rongo University, majoring in Communications and Public Relations from 2013 and graduated in the year 2017.

Congratulations Lydia!

The Standard Media Group offers apprenticeship to RU students

Two students of Rongo University Writers’ club have earned a one week job opportunity for shadowing experience at The Standard Media Group. The rare mentorship opportunity was offered to Antonny Achayo and Rodgers Otiso as a recognition for their consistent and exemplary writing in the Kenyan dailies. During their one week job with the Standard Media Group, the two students of Communication and journalism will have an opportunity to work as shadow presenters in KTN T.V, Radio Maisha, and other departments including news, editorial, business, and sports desks. This which will provide them with first-hand experience not only as writers but also as students of Communication and journalism and sharpen their competencies while training in readiness for the highly competitive job market. This is the second time within one month that Achayo will be hosted as a shadow presenter by the mainstream media. On 22nd August, 2022 the third year student was hosted by Ramogi T.V during their newspaper review show (Nonro mar Gazet).

Acknowledging the generous gesture by the The STMG, the patron of the club Marren Akong’o congratulated Rodgers and Antonny for their dedication and exemplary performance. She hopes that this opportunity will motivate many more students and also strengthen relationships between the Standard Media Group, RU Writers’ club, the school of INFOCOMS and by extension Rongo University. The Head of Department, Communication Media and Journalism, Dr. Millicent and the Dean, school of INFOCOMS, Dr. Rono congratulated the students and encouraged them to be good ambassadors of Rongo University during their apprenticeship programme.

Rongo University Writers Club Collaborates with University's Communication Department.

By Arnold Adidi, Communication Student

Rongo university Writers Club has collaborated with the University’s Department of Communication in a bid to enhance quality content creation and students’ mentorship. During a joint meeting held on Friday 21st of January, this young robust club through its patron Ms. Maren Akong’o engaged the university’s website administrator Ms. Merab Shitemi, Librarian Mr. Joel Nakitare and Information scientist, Mr. Stephen Oloo in a move that will see members nurture their writing and production skills.

The collaboration will enable members of the Writers Club to work with the university in developing its proposed quarterly newsletter, cover and create content on key events within campus and have their content uploaded on the Varsity’s social media platforms with the help of Ms. Shitemi. Members will also get an opportunity to participate in virtual mentorship programs with senior content developers both inside and outside of the university.

The club will also benefit from a license to access free online newspapers courtesy of Mr. Nakitare, and Mr. Oloo will provide a page on the Information Science microsite dedicated to the club’s content. The club’s leadership has expressed gratitude for the assistance and pledged to do more to promote the University.

Arnold Adidi , a fourth year , Rongo University Journalism student wins a Kshs 20 000 grants

Arnold Adidi , a fourth year , Rongo University Journalism student wins a Kshs 20 000  grants offered by The  Media Council of Kenya for exemplary work in Journalism. The win was a result of a competitive process that involved evaluation of submitted  works by accredited journalist in  the country. 

Arnold’s  work, feature radio documentaries  entitled ‘ Students Employing  Locals  ‘ and  ‘ Impacts of Covid 19 Response Measures on Mental Health ‘ emerged top in the Business Reporting   and  Health Reporting  categories respectively. In addition to the grant, the media council of Kenya  assigns  the winner-Arnold Adidi- a chance to work with the experienced media practitioners as mentors . 

Rongo University congratulates Arnold Adidi for the  win and thanks the Media Council of Kenya for supporting Journalism training in the university.

A workshop by Rongo University, department of Communication, Journalism and Media Studies and African Health Solution Journalism Initiative (AHSJI)

A workshop by Rongo University, department of Communication, Journalism and Media Studies and African Health Solution Journalism Initiative (AHSJI) At the workshop, AHSJI was represented by the Project Lead, Daniel Otunge and Media Consultant, David Aduda. AHSJI seeks to introduce Solution Journalism to African academies so as to transform the reporting of health and development issues. Solution Journalism (SOJO) strives to help journalists focus on proven solutions to problems rather than just focusing on the problems. Through soJO, the role of the media also evolves from that of a watch dog to societal guide dogs. The outcome of the workshop is a collaboration between Rongo University, department of Communication, Journalism and Media Studies and African Health Solution Journalism Initiative through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The following will be achieved through the collaboration: i. Training of trainers i. Internship and fellowship for Rongo University Students ii. Resource mobilization through joint Proposal Writing. iv. Curriculum Development.

Infocoms Lecturer wins a scholarship

Mr. Stephen Ajwang Oloo, a lecturer at the School of Information, Communication and Media Studies has been accepted to the 2021-2022 cohort of the University of Michigan African PresidentialScholars (UMAPS) Program organized by  African Studies Center (ASC) at the University of Michigan (U-M). The program will begin on the first week of August 2021 and end in December 2021.

The program will take place at the U-M Ann Arbor campus and he will attend a series of writing workshops, and present research to the wider campus community at one of the UMAPS research colloquia.

As a school, we take this opportunity to congratulate Mr. Oloo for this great endevour.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Members of Rongo University Media covering a Corporate Social Responsility (CSR) event at the Good Samaritan Children Home in Nyamware, Migori town

Staff from the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO (KNATCOM) as well as journalists drawn from local community radio stations in Migori County and its environs visit the Rongo University Media Studios

Photos of INFOCOMS students and staff from a recent field course trip to Eldoret and Elgeyo Marakwet counties.

VC Graces Online Course Module Launch at INFOCOMS

Vice Chancellor Prof. Samuel Gudu has today launched an online course module at the School of Information, Communication and Media Studies.

The module, COS:100 (Communication Skills)was developed by the Department of Communication, Journalism and Media.

Being a compulsory subject for all first year students across all the Schools at Rongo University, the department addressed the need for harmony and quality by developing a document that will ensure that all the students are taught uniformly and simultaneously.

The VC lauded the department and the school for being the first to develop a common course teaching module in the university.

Present at the ceremony were the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Prof. Augustino Onkware, Dean of the School Dr. John Oluoch, Head of Department Dr. Millicent Otieno, lecturers and a host of other deans and directors from other schools and directorates.

Prof. Onkware urged the other schools which offer university-wide common courses to take the cue from Infocoms and develop modules to enable quality teaching of those programs.

Infocoms Finalists Farewell

Final year students, diploma and degree students, who have just completed their exams were invited to a farewell meeting with the Dean and HoDs on Monday 19th October 2020 during which they were advised on Job opportunities and career prospects as well as Infocoms Alumni matters.

Speakers in the meeting, which took place in the Multipurpose Hall, also encouraged the students to pursue further education. The finalists were at the end of the meeting issued Letters of recommendation from the University.

Ann Koster Mugalavai Defends PhD thesis successfully

Ann Koster Mugalavai, who successfully defended her PhD thesis. The title of her PhD thesis is " Assessing Knowledge sharing practices and their effect on teaching staff performance in selected public Universities in Kenya". Supervisors: 1. Prof Cephas Odini - Moi University 2. Dr Alice Wafula. She did her studies in Moi University

Infocoms Lecturer to undergo Media and Information Literacy Training

A lecturer in the School of Information, Communication and Media Studies has been nominated to undertake a training course on Media and Information Literacy organized by the Centre for Media and Information Literacy (CMIL-Kenya). Mr. Josphat Ogweno who teaches journalism and media in the Department of Communication, Journalism and Media will participate in the three day on line training dubbed “Strengthening Capacities of Media Practitioners and Regulatory Bodies in Kenya on Media and Information Literacy”. The training brings together selected senior media practitioners, scholars, information officers from government agencies, regulatory bodies and institutions in the media and communications sector in Kenya. The training will lead to a national workshop review that will make recommendations to the UNESCO MIL curriculum guidelines and also expand awareness on media literacy in the country. The training is fully sponsored by UNESCO under the coordination of CMIL-Kenya and the Communications Authority of Kenya. Rongo University was identified to nominate a member for the capacity building training because of its strong collaboration with CMIL-Kenya and UNESCO in the training of journalism and media studies at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

School of Infocoms Acquires More Media Equipment

The School of Information, Communication and Media Studies has received yet another batch of assorted equipment to help in the training of students and to support the CM4K (Community Media for Kenya) initiative which is a joint venture between Rongo University and Brighton University in the UK. The equipment includes cameras, microphones, computers, studio lights, audio recorders and headphones among others. While receiving the items, Dr. John Oluoch, the Dean Infocoms and the H.O.D of Communication and Journalism Department Dr. Millicent Otieno thanked Brighton University for the generous support that it has so far accorded to Rongo University through the collaboration and partnership. The partnership is aimed at training and empowering members of the community to tell stories on development and to conduct programming on how to improve rural livelihoods in health, agriculture, sanitation and related activities. Several training sessions have been conducted in the past involving members of the community. The Dean noted that with the additional equipment, the School has been more endowed in terms of its capacity to run the programme and also to enable students to be hands on while in training.

Infocoms Lecturer Wins Atlantic International University Communication Fellowship Program

Mr. Charles Wagunda of the School of Information, Communication and Media Studies, Rongo University is among the global winners of the prestigious 2020/2021 PRB Policy Communications Fellows Program for Emerging Leaders.
Mr. Wagunda was awarded the Fellowship after a competitive process that involved evaluation of proposals from applicants drawn from the continents of Asia and Africa.
The one year fully funded Fellowship will involve  workshops focused on the role of research in the policy process and on techniques for effective communication of research findings to decision makers. The participants will also interact with local and international experts in policy research and communication through a variety of platforms.
The program seeks to train young and upcoming scholars as the next generation of leaders who will be expected to shape policy in their respective countries.The Fellows will learn firsthand,local advocacy priorities and policy landscapes and how to tailor their research messages to the relevant policy audiences. 
On learning about the fellowship, Vice Chancellor Prof. Samuel Gudu congratulated Mr. Wagunda for the award. Prof Gudu noted that the award is not only an achievement for Mr. Wagunda but also for the School of Infocoms and Rongo University at large.
The Fellowship is a joint partnership program between AIU, Population Reference Bureau and the African Institute for Development Policy.

Rongo University Information Technology Surveillance System (RITSURVE)

Rongo University Information Technology Surveillance System (RITSURVE) developed by Maureen Adoyo, Stev  Oloo, Dennis Kisaka, Allan Bii, Alphonce Warenga, Okeyo Sadati, Sam Okeyo and  Justus Arodi

Faculty of Health Sciences-Rongo University, Department of Information Science and Informatics,Department of Computer, Rongo University-Migori, Kenya, Kitere Hills Health Center Rongo,Ministry of Health Rongo Sub-County

 With Covid-19 being a global emerging infectious disease, Rongo University faculty members and students drawn from different disciplines; health systems, health informatics, computer science and information technology teamed up to develop a web-based surveillance system dabbed, Rongo University Information Technology Surveillance System (RITSURVE); a digital health solution for infectious diseases with the aim of strengthening and coordinating Covid-19 pandemic response owing to the fact that pandemic comes with large scale spontaneous influx of patient into the health systems. The snap response to these unprecedented influxes may lead to uncoordinated, fragmented and chaotic interventions resulting in ineffective well-intended actions, inefficiencies and overall undesirable health outcomes.

RITSURVE acts as a communication system that links clients and health service providers. Clients use mobile devices to report health events in real-time without any communication barriers that may otherwise exist in formal health system setup. This communication functional element can be used to track clients’ health status in a locale and enhance real-time healthcare provision. The design and implementation approach of RITSURVE technology takes into account population socio-cultural dynamics in the local region and County’s infrastructural capabilities and therefore    the application allows for wide acceptability and use by the general public and individual system users, a feature that is necessary for effective control of Covid 19 pandemic. RITSURVE  is a prototype that can be expanded to accommodate other functions within the health systems including surveillance of other health events other than Covid-19 and management of health care resources

The University acknowledges contributions by Dr. Dalmas Oyugi Chief Officer of Health Migori County; Mr. Justus Arodi, Ministry of Health Rongo Sub-County; Sam Okeyo of Kitere Hills Health Center and Ms. Caroline Chibeu, Clinician in charge of Rongo University Health Centre. Much appreciation to Dr. James Abila and Mr. Roy Obiero for offering Technical support. We also thank Migori County, Ministry of Health for providing enabling test environments for RITSURVE technology application


The school of infocoms has received 36 computers that will aid in teaching and research in the Media Resource Center, Computer lab and Studios.
Information communication and media studies students will now have ample time to carry out their personal studies and research as well as IT based classes.

Rongo University FM

Members of the Rongo University Management Board visited the University's Media Center to check on the progress of setting up a radio station that is to go on air in a few months time. The community radio station dubbed Rongo University FM will be transmitting on the 87.9 frequency and has already been performing test transmissions that can be received in the university and the surrounding community. The project is funded by Rongo University in conjunction with Brighton University and UNESCO

Infocoms Staffer Attends African Leadership Conference in UK

A senior lecturer in the School of Information, Communication and Media Studies, Rongo University Dr. Fredrick Ogenga was among the global participants who attended a three day global conference at the African Leadership Centre, King’s College, London in February 2020. The conference was held under the auspices of African Leadership Centre which is an organization that seeks to contribute to Africa’s long-term socio- economic security and development through mentoring the talents of African young leaders who have shown the potential to lead innovative change in their respective communities, countries, sub-regions and the continent. It operates a variety of fellowship programmes including peace and security fellowships for African women and scholars. It is based at King’s College London with a permanent base in Nairobi, Kenya. The seminar brought together ALC partners, policy practitioners and academics from across the world.

Varsity Senate Approves Revised Communication and Media Studies Curriculum

Rongo University Senate has approved a new curriculum for training journalists, media and communication professionals. At a Senate meeting chaired by the Vice Chancellor Prof. Samuel Gudu on 26th February, 2020, Rongo has now joined an elite group of higher education institutions that have adopted the UNESCO model for journalism education and media and information literacy training. The new curriculum is designed to train media and communication graduates to have local, regional and global competencies to function in the modern and highly dynamic information landscape. The curriculum was developed by the support of UNESCO, the Media Council of Kenya, Centre for Media and Information Literacy and the School of Information, Communication and Media Studies. The Vice Chancellor reiterated the university's gratitude to UNESCO for the technical and logistical support that it gave to the University. He added that the university will continue to work with the said partners on capacity building and research for staff to ensure efficient roll out of the program.

Varsity holds curriculum review workshop

Rongo University has held a workshop to review its curriculum in communication journalism and media studies. The workshop, sponsored by UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa brought together experts, scholars and thought leaders drawn from the Media Council of Kenya, Center for Media and Information Literacy and UNESCO. Lecturers and postgraduate students from the School of Information, Communication and Media Studies also participated in the event which was held in the university's main campus, Thursday 20th 2020. While opening the workshop, Vice Chancellor Prof. Samuel Gudu underscored that the university embarked on a comprehensive curricular review across all its schools immediately it was awarded a charter in 2096. He said that this was necessary to enable our curricular to accord with the global demands and professional expectations from the market and regulatory bodies. The workshop also adopted the teaching of media and information literacy as a stand alone course owing to its relevance in journalism training and education today. He also thanked the partners for embracing the request from Rongo University to assist in providing technical expertise towards the effort. The VC noted that upon approval and implementation, the new curriculum will prepare journalists and communication graduates who are capable of performing effectively and professionally in any part of the world.

UNESCO Pledges support for university
Curriculum review

UNESCO has pledged financial and technical support to assist Rongo University review its curriculum for journalism, communication and media studies.

This follows an appeal by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Samuel Gudu to the UNESCO regional director Ms. Ann Theresse Ndong Jatta to help the university complete the exercise which begun last year.

The school of Information, Communication and Media Studies embarked on a comprehensive review of all it's curricula and the process is still on going.

Once completed, the curriculum will incorporate the required global modules for journalism education and training as well as media and information literacy which will enable our students to be roundly equipped as per UNESCO guidelines for journalism education.

The Higher Education and Career Fair organized by the Standard Group

Ag. Dean School of Information, Communication and Media Studies Dr. John Oluoch announced that Rongo University and UNESCO will hold a joint high level panel workshop drawing members from the faculty, UNESCO, Media Council of Kenya, as well as the Nairobi based Center for Media and Information Literacy on 20th and 21st February, 2020 at the university campus

Rongo University Media

Rongo University Management Board led by Prof. Samuel Gudu paid a courtesy call on our Media Studio to check on the progress.The board was impressed with the effort by Mr. Pascal Ekesa and other staff in the department.

Postgraduate Consultative Meeting

Post graduate students drawn from the school of information, communications and media studies had a consultative forum in which they aired their views and discussed challenges they face in their studies. The meeting, which was attended by Dr. Abila (Post Graduate studies Co-ordinator) , Dr. Millicent (HOD INFOCOMS), Dr. Rono (HOD INFORMATICS) as well as Dr. Maureen (Dept. of Health Systems Management), made a resolution to abide by all set guidelines and procedures.

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