ICT CS Launches Konza Digital Laboratory at Rongo University

By Lucy Macharia   

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By Lucy Macharia   

The CS for ICT Hon Eliud Owalo, on June 23, 2023, launched digital laboratory at Rongo University, Migori County. The project sponsored by Konza city under the Jitume Opportunities programme aimed at helping the youth learn digital skills, open up more business opportunities through e-commerce and boost research. The digital laboratory at Rongo University equipped with 100 modern computers will accommodate 100 students per session. Large percentage of young people will occupy spaces and chances of earning with the one hundred donated gadgets.  

“These computers will not only be of help to Rongo University students but also to other youth within the constituencies thus many will grow in the field of research”, said Mr. Owalo.

The CS mentioned that the government plans to establish similar digital laboratories in all wards in the country to keep the youth busy and enable them get digital skills.

PS ICT John Tanui, Konza Techno Polis CEO John Okwiri, Rongo University Chancellor, Prof Rachael Maseka, Vice chancellor Prof Samuel Gudu, Migori County Commissioner Hon David Gitonga, Rongo University staff and students and other government officials, also graced the event.

Konza Techno Polis acting CEO John Okwiri mentioned that the usage of computers is a gateway for many students to establish themselves.

“It’s possible to make over Ksh. 30,000 through internet engagement and usage of computers and this donation will help the youth secure some earning”, said the CEO.

Speaking during the event, the VC Rongo University Prof Samuel Gudu observed that the government has shown a good example by stretching its hand through this donation that is a good development to all.

“Rongo University is among the lucky universities in which the government has started establishing digital gadgets”, said Prof Gudu.

Free WIFI.

The CS further mentioned that the government plans to install free Wi-Fi in different parts of the country to enable rural traders engage in E- commerce. Digital infrastructure will help rural mothers market their commodities to potential customers online even without physical involvement. He added that technology is a game changer in the current economy and urged people to utilize it effectively once an opportunity is offered.

Gold mining and Agriculture 

Acknowledging that Migori County is rich in Agriculture and gold mining, the CS emphasized that gold miners will also be getting support from the government to enable them increase output. He however challenged local farmers most of whom have been planting sugarcane over the years to diversify and plant alternative crops like the Avocado and Simsim, which can also do well in the area. 

Lucy Macharia is a third year Student of Communication and Journalism at Rongo University. 

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