Media and Journalism Student wins MCK Award, 2023.

By Sharon Namarome
Rodgers Otiso, a student in the Department of Communication, Media and Journalism has won a Special Award from the Media Council of Kenya. This is the second time students in the department bugs this competitive award after Arnold Adidi won the same in 2021.
(Rodgers Otiso, an MCK award winner and student of Communication and Journalism, Rongo University)
They say hard work beats talent and those who do not know that failure is inevitable often achieve success. This is what Rodgers Otiso, a second-year student of Media and Journalism believes in and works smartly to ensure he sticks to the path that will guarantee him the person he wants to be in the future. After all, the best preparation for tomorrow is to do today’s work superbly well.
He began his journey in 2021 the second week after joining Rongo University, understood well what he needed in his career path, and allowed passion to drive him. The journey was not rosy, and nothing seemed to flow but he took the tumbles and tosses with determined strength. All he wanted was to achieve his dream, and so he was ready to incur whatever cost, provided he makes it.
He began by writing opinion articles for The Standard newspaper and has succeeded in publishing more than 300 articles in two years. From there, he made another step and ventured into writing feature articles. Otiso was willing to try, fail, and retry until he succeeds rather than quitting and accepting the defeat without a trial. What seemed to be a trial became a norm, as he succeeded in publishing massive feature articles. Indeed, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step.
Today Otiso prides himself on having penetrated the most critical sections in Print media something that can only be achieved with a focused mind. His stories have not only earned him uncountable accolades but also continue to impact many people, especially the health stories that address the real conditions people are going through.
In April 2023, Otiso applied for the annual Special Journalism Grant Award by the Media Council of Kenya (MCK) using his story, “Sickle cell disease, warrior tells his story of resilience” which was published in The Standard newspaper. To his astonishment, he emerged victorious and proved that nothing is impossible for a determined heart. Currently, Otiso writes health stories for The Standard newspaper and hopes that The Standard media will offer him a chance as a health and science correspondent.
Otiso attributes his success to hard work and is ever grateful to Rongo University, particularly the Department of Communication, Media and Journalism headed by Dr. Millicent for creating a conducive environment for learning, practice, and mentorship. He also appreciates the Rongo University Writers Club Patron, Dr. Marren for mentorship and always being available to help students sharpen their skills and realize their dreams through writing. “She is a leader to emulate, a mentor to admire and her devotion to nurturing writing skills among students is unspeakable!” says Otiso.
Otiso is indebted to his competent and hardworking lecturers for his achievements. He is grateful to Dr. Millicent Otieno, the HoD whom he describes as being motherly, for her support since he started his journalistic career. He appreciates Mr. Charles Wagunda whom he refers to as his ‘Media Dad’, Madam Pelesiah, Madam Rose, Mr. Ongweno, Mr Anyuor and Mr. Mwita, all of whom have immensely contributed to his success.
Sharon Namarome is a second-year student of Communication and Journalism at Rongo University