Department of Communication, Media and journalism
Goldime of knowlege and innovation

Dr. Millicent Otieno Head of Department
Welcome to the Department of Communication, Journalism and Media Studies at Rongo University
Explore the Department of Communication, Journalism and Media Studies at Rongo University, a leading institution for Communication and Journalism education in Kenya.
Welcome to the Department of Communication, Journalism and Media Studies at Rongo University. Our department is dedicated to preparing students for a variety of careers in journalism, broadcasting, advertising, and public relations through innovative and practically oriented pedagogy. As a leading institution for Communication and Journalism education in Kenya, we train students in journalistic basics such as reporting, writing, editing, and advanced media analysis. Our graduates are equipped to create media, interpret media messages, and understand the ways that media can affect individuals and nations.
Our department is proud to produce graduates who possess communicative competence and expertise that are in high demand in media houses, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, business enterprises, and public relations firms.
The Department of Communication and Journalism boasts highly qualified and committed staff. Our academic members are seasoned researchers whose works have been widely published in international and locally accredited peer-reviewed journals, testifying to their competence in their respective specialized fields of study.
Mission and vision
To build competencies for Communication, Media and Journalism Professionals as a resource for development in the region and across the globe
- To re-skill students for present day information economy.
- To bring awareness of the rising intricacies of networked society.
- To acquire practical skills in computer networking and digital communication.
- To acquaint the students with principles of management of information systems and services.
- Diploma in Media and Journalism with IT
- Diploma in Public Relations
- Bachelor of Science in Communication and Media Studies ( with specialization in Journalism OR Public Relations)
- Masters in Media and Security Studies
- Masters of Science in Communication Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy in Communication Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy in Media and Security Studies
Contact Us
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P.O BOX 103-40404
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