Dr. Millicent Otieno
Dr.Millicent Awuor Otieno is a lecturer of Communication Studies. She holds a PhD in Communication Studies ( Rongo University) .She also earned a ‘Diplome Approfondi de la langue Francaise’ from Universite de Grenoble, France,Master of Art from University of Nairobi and Bachelor of Education -French, English and Literature from Moi University. Dr.Millicent has seven years teaching experience in the University. She is a member of Kenya Association of Teachers of French (KATF).
2.Research Interest
Dr.Millicent’s research interest is in gender and communication for development as well as the teaching of French for specific purposes.She has conducted research and published papers in these fields
Otieno ,M.A ( 2018 ) “Gender influence in communication for development :A study of Migori County Government”. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development 30 (7) 250-252.
Otieno, M.A. ( 2016). “ Gender Differences in Mobile Phone Ownership and Use Among the Aged in Kitere Village, Rongo District, Kenya” .Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary .5( 7) 59-75
Otieno, M.A. (2016). “The Role of the Teacher and Appropriate Choice of Material for Teaching French for Specific Purposes in Kenyan Universities”. Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary. 4 (4) 9-23
Otieno, M.A. (2016). “Influence of Demographic Factors on Women’s Participation in Political Leadership, Rongo Constituency, Migori County”. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development 5 (7)29-31.